After the long wet Autumn the weather systems have changed
and we have a winter high-pressure over the country.
It has brought cold winds from the north, clear sunny days
and bright, bright mornings. This one was so good, I made
today's walk was an early one.
There's no need to walk far, as a trip to the lake will give
me all the beauty I seek.

First light as the sun starts to rise over Rannerdale
Knotts and the head of the Buttermere Valley.

Those bright rays of colour have brightened
the morning face of Low Fell behind me.

A few minutes later . . . and the sun's rays
won't be long in reaching the low lying parts of the valley.
- - - o o o - - -

After breakfast I put on warm winter clothes
and head out for a walk to the lake.
The sun is glinting off the heavy frost that
sits on the walls next to the house.

The field is also white with frost.
The crows will have meager pickings unless they
dig through the cold winter layer.

Rose Cottage and
the old Vicarage.
The former is available for holiday-let over
Christmas (see their recently announced late
booking discount).
The Vicarage will hopefully have residents once
again as the Diocese is thinking of re-purposing it as a Retreat
/ Prayer House.
Pat is not on strike . . . but then he doesn't deliver
much anyway. |
The cow parsley makes
a striking image though ! |

The paddock has had its winter haircut and hopefully
will be set up for a colourful spring when the time comes.

A Cotoneaster
bush in the lane catches the frost.
The red berries will make good pickings for
some of the birds.

Out onto the fields and a view of Whiteside
and Grasmoor.
Both have white summits but the apparent white
top of Whiteside is due to the sun peering over the top of the
adjacent fell.

A cool wintery look back at my own cottage and
the pod in the lower garden.
The natural finish on the wood has mellowed
and it hopefully now blends beautifully with the surroundings.

Low Fell once again but now the whole valley
is bathed in sunlight.

The mid morning winter sun is not climbing as
high in the sky as usual.
In fact by lunchtime it will go behind Mellbreak
and cast my garden into shadow for an hour or so.

Dougal waits for me beyond the stile.

Across the fields to Muncaster House.
The house has been sold for some time now but
sadly the new owners have not found the time or inclination
to move in yet.

Down the Water Board Lane where the dogs find
yet more interesting smells to explore.
The closest
we get to the "Game of Thrones" tree avenue
around here. |
Thick frost on the hedges
make the lane seem narrower. |

The beauty of this type of morning is the unusual
colour brought on by the deep winter temperatures.

The sheep are hopefully well insulated . . .
like me they are wearing wool !

Dougal with the stick, Dylan follows.

I whistle them and they stop for that "dreamy"
photo opportunity.
Sometimes photos taken into the sun do actually
work well.

High contrasts are the norm however, as with
this view of Rannerdale Knotts.
It will be cold up there.

It is certainly cold enough down here to produce
thick frost on the bushes.

Crossing the bridge over Park Beck.
The northern slopes of Mellbreak are in deep
shadow but the house at Low Park just catches the sunlight this

Down by the Pump House I notice that there's
mist rising from the surface of the lake.

The lighter reflection of the grass on The Peel
was in fact enhanced by a thin layer of mist over the water.

You can see it better here.
Dougal is enjoying the view as well . . . how
his feet don't feel the cold beats me !

The water level has dropped due to the winter
dry spell.

A hint of mist perhaps adds to the reflection
at the foot of the lake.
The bridges and trees reflect beautifully on
the calm water.
With the brightening sun, the mist here has
evaporated in just the last few minutes.

An infinity pool effect as the water flows silently
over the lip of the weir
and out of sight into the river below.

Just a steady flow over the weir and through
the fish ladder.
Beach silhouette
. . . or should that be a 'beech' silhouette ? |
My heart was 'pining'
to take this photo ! |

Lanthwaite Woods are shaded and cold as we pass the big bend
in the river.
The swimming
pool is singularly uninviting too ! |
Muncaster House seen
this time across the river. |

Those who've bought my 2023 Calendar might recognise
this tree.
It has a warmer, more summery aspect on the
front cover photo.

Across the fields again towards "Jenkin"
and "Grasmoor House" . . . Hunter Davies's old house.

Scale Hill bridge . . . with a quiet River Cocker
flowing below.

Not far up the road is the "red phone box"
and the cottage where we started the walk today.