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" Crummock Jetty and Guest Photos "

Date & start time:      4th / 5th May 2020 plus your contributions.

Location of Start :     By the red phone box, Loweswater, Cumbria, Uk. ( NY 143 211 ).

Places visited :          Crummock Water and the weir at low water.

Walk details :              Down to the lake and back on two separate days.

Highest point :           New insights from visiting old places.

Walked with :              Ann and our dogs, Dylan and Dougal.

Weather :                    Sunshine and blue skies . . . with some summer cloud.

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number PU 100034184.


Ann and I enjoyed a walk from home, down the road to Scale Hill car park and then following the river upstream to the lake.

The low water levels in Crummock are now approaching those of a notable hot summer several years back.

As we walk around the shoreline, it is wider now with more of a pebble beach to stroll along.

The weir at the foot of Crummock Water . . . looking at Grasmoor above Lanthwaite Woods and the boathouse part way up the lake.

The water level has dropped another few inches since our visit on the May 2nd and the overflow is now dry.

The off-white eel boards wouldn't do much help to an eel at the moment. . . even if they wanted to climb the weir into the lake.

The water over the fish ladders has almost stopped flowing too.

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This is a comparative picture from a walk we did

back in April 2018 when the water level

was more normal for springtime.


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Likewise the second weir is drying out.

The sluice gates see here (one of two) are the only means of maintaining the river flow now.

The last drop of water over the top of the fish ladder.

Reflections looking across to the Boat House and Grasmoor.

Ann and Dylan on the spit of stones that flanks Park Beck, as it empties (slowly) into Crummock.

Dougal turns as Ann calls him from the stones.

Around the corner . . . time to sit for Dylan and Ann . . . whilst Dougal chases my skimming stones.

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I mentioned the old jetty last time (2nd May) but didn't really get a good photo.

so the following day I ventured down to the lake once again, to try for a picture of the low water at the old jetty.

Sandy Yat Beach . . . even more space to sit as the water level is so low.

The single rock at the far end of the beach is high and dry along with the extra stones that lead out into the lake.

The 2nd May photo of the fence by the old jetty.
Today the water level is even lower and I walk out into the water.
The underwater stones extend out into the lake beyond the fence.
Walking over to the other "pier".

The brown smudge in the second photo was the disturbed water where I walked across the gap.

The water was two feet deeper in the middle, where the Victorian boats that carried the tourists across the water would have drawn up to the old jetty.

[Odd angles are due to the slippery nature of the stones and trying to hold the camera phone securely without dropping it.]

Large flat stones would have formed the edge of the landing jetty.

The matching stones further over are perhaps better seen here . . . the gap in between is significantly deeper.

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There's a more modern version of this type of boat landing

at the top end of Crummock, close to Woodhouse B&B

( The jetty is still in use for the house guests presumably.)

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Back home and a view from our kitchen of the not-so-young lambs forming into their teenage gangs and racing about the field.


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Apart from being too dry to grow good grass for the livestock,


this lovely weather could give rise to the expression  "Salad Days"


so I thought I had better show you a picture

of some home-grown salad

along with shop tomatoes and beetroot humus.



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Time for more of your self-isolation photos from around the country . . .

A view from Reston Scar featuring the. 3 Peaks of Ings: Left to right, Bob's Knob, Grandsire and School Knott.

I walked up there last night in the evening sun - about a 20 minute ascent on a 50 minute round circuit. It was glorious but virtually impossible to photo the central and southern fells as the sun was so bright. I followed more or less the route we took in 2017 but in reverse

No-one walking last night, but the path on this circuit is becoming noticeably worn as locals explore the area like nothing before during lock down. This is one of the good things to come out of this present experience. I am really having to be clever when it comes to dodging people on local paths!

Yours (again), Peter (Burgess)

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Have loved seeing your photos from Loweswater

and the surrounding area

and can’t wait until we can visit the Lakes again.


Your contributors have showed just how beautiful

our own local area can be.

Thought I would send you some from near Haslington in Cheshire

We are lucky enough to be able to walk from the door

Stay safe,


Kind regards,   Alison (Lennon)

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Hi Roger & Ann,

Like so many others, we have had to postpone our trip to the Lakes next week,
so we’re pleased that you are continuing to keep us informed of the beautiful surroundings up your way. We really appreciate all your efforts.

Rather than send you boring photos of flat Essex, I thought you might like to see three sketches I’ve done of views around the Lakes over the years. I trust you can identify where they are?!

Stay safe and keep us all entertained !       John (Grayson)

Looking north down the Newlands Valley from the Dale Head Cairn . . . Skiddaw in the distance.

Mini-quiz . . . your turn to guess the next two . . . (answers later)

John's drawing number two . . .
. . . and closer to home . . . drawing three.

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Photos now from the Isle of Skye . . .

Dear Ann, Roger and the boys,

Thank you for keeping us in touch with your lovely home and surroundings - so many glorious memories of Loweswater and the cottage in happier times.
Keeping safe and well here thanks to the support of friends and neighbours and the resilience of the North Skye community.

Here are a few images from our recent lock-down walks, mainly tarmac these days (those pesky knees!) but so little traffic to contend with on Skye at present, just like the 70's they say. 

Glad you keep fit and busy.  Our love to you all and please keep the anecdotes and pictures coming.

Irene & Steve plus Barley & Missee (the dogs).

Dunvegan with Coolins and MacLeod's Tables.
Ardmore and The Minch

Dunvegan Head and N.Uist
Haar (sea mist) at Dun Hallin

We visited Steve and Irene at their home on the Waternish Peninsular last year (2019).

Click here for pictures of our visit and their home area.             A lovely reminder, thank you both . . . RmH

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Answers to the mini-quiz above :

Rowling End Farm Cottages

looking west over the Newlands Valley

from Ghyll Bank towards Rowling End.

Buttermere looking north-west from near

Peggy’s Bridge,

showing the slopes of Low Snockrigg.

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Hi Roger and Ann,


Hope all is good with yourselves and you are staying safe.


It’s really difficult not being able to get to the Lakes now.

Hopefully we will be able to travel again soon

(although I realise it may be several months!)



All these pictures were from our Osmaston walk today.

It was a glorious day wasn't it.


I will email properly when I have a moment or two.


Take care, Neil (Haslewood)

Shirley Church with the old tree.

Osmaston Estate pond.
Osmaston Mill Pond showing it’s drying up too in this weather.

Osmaston Sawmill.

Thanks Neil,  here's a link to one of our previous walks together . . . great days . . . RmH

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Time to put this set of photos to bed . . . but before we do . . .

Self-isolation confusion over the VE Day bank holiday today.
Self-isolation entertainment . . . it is intriguing.

" Rannerdale style social distancing "

This last photo from Andrew and Catherine (Chamberlain) from Lorton was published on the Lorton valley "Next Door" website app recently.

Many thanks for use of the picture . . . RmH.

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Thanks to everyone who has sent pictures and apologies if I haven't included them all . . . RmH

[ That last photo might just give you a clue as to where Ann and I are heading to next.]


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Technical note: Pictures taken with either Ann's Panasonic Lumix TZ60, my Panasonic Lumix Gx8 Camera, or the iPhone.

Resized in Photoshop, and built up on a Dreamweaver web builder.

This site best viewed with . . . a greater understanding of your local area.

Go to Home Page . . . © RmH . . . Email me here

Previous walk - 2nd May 2020 - Crummock in the Sunshine

A previous time up here - 24-25th July - Hot Mellbreak, Dee and John     (with a few more pictures of the old jetty on Crummock)

Next walk - 5th May 2020 - The Rannerdale Bluebells 2020