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" Loweswater Ladies Summer Walk "
Date & start time: Wednesday 12th July 2017, 6.15 pm. Location of Start : Village Hall, Loweswater, Cumbria, Uk. ( NY 140 210 ) Places visited : Low Park, Park Beck, Muncaster House, Gillerthwaite and back. Walk details : 1.9 miles, 125 feet of ascent, about an hour or so. Walked with : Ann and eight members of The Ladies, plus Wyn's dog Roly. Later: Seven more joined us for a delightful buffet, courtesy of the members. Weather : Sunshine and blue skies with another burst of bright colour at sunset. |
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Our Loweswater Ladies meet each month, usually to listen to a guest speaker or enjoy some other indoor activity. However each summer we also arrange a local evening walk, which was blessed with brilliant weather again this year. The order of events this evening will be a local walk, followed by a supper in the Loweswater Village Hall on our return. Plenty of smiles as nine of us, plus Roly the dog, started off from the Hall at 6.15 in the evening. In the picture: Doreen, Wynne and Roly, Jenny, Margi, Ann (myself), Judy, Carolyn and Pam. (Photo by Lorna) We walked down the lanes, passed the Kirkstile Inn and took a left turn at Low Park, following alongside Park Beck to reach the small rocky summit in the first field. A short slope leads up to this high point in the field, the rock being a glacial moraine (Roche moutonnée) It gave us fabulous views down the Buttermere valley towards Great Gable at the far end. The steep, sheer side of the rock is behind me but the front face of this rocky summit is level with the grass. It is an interesting outcrop as it has many small, prehistoric indentations or 'cup marks' that date back to possibly 3000 BC. The view from here encompasses the conical shape of Grasmoor, Hopegill Head to the left on the skyline and Whiteless Pike and Robinson away to the right.
Happy faces, captured again by Lorna. Lorna is now centre stage in this photo of mine. In the photo the dark slopes of Mellbreak rise behind us, the High Stile ridge continues on the left away into the distance. A clearer view across Crummock Water, with Haystacks in front of Great Gable, both almost matching in outline. Green Gable is the pointed fell to the left of the highest peak and Rannerdale Knotts is the shapely fell in the middle. The white building is Rannerdale Farm where the bluebells flower in the valley in late spring. After walking down the field we cross over Park Beck via the Water Board bridge. The first gate is one of seven along this stretch of track which is known locally, and unsurprisingly, as 'The Gated Road'. At the tarmac-road end of the track stands Muncaster House from where we take the first of four stiles on the public footpath across the fields to Gillerthwaite. Our Ladies were very interested in the ongoing extension and renovations at Gillerthwaite. It has changed hands recently and the new owner is doing some major improvements. There'll be plenty of time for the builders to tidy up once the work is complete. As we walked up the lonnin next to our home, we received an enthusiastic welcome from my dogs Harry and Dylan ! Roger came out and offered to take a full walking group photo. Past the red phone box and up the lane, then we take the short path through the churchyard. The side gate leads out to the road again just above the Kirkstile Inn - - - o o o - - - Back at the hall the other Ladies who had not joined us on the walk, had gathered in our absence.
They had set out the supper for the evening . . . I haven't fallen over the table, I was doing the raffle ! Each lady member had brought a supper dish, either savoury or sweet. Despite any lack of prior consultation, we always seem to end up with a fantastic variety of food for the table. The desserts are laid out on the side for later. First we help ourselves to the main course. Sixteen Ladies wining, dining, and chatting !
Our end of the table, Carolyn, Pauline (hidden), Margaret, Pat, Margi and myself. Looking around from this end, starting on the left are Margi, myself (with the wine glass!), Wynne, Jenny, Cherie, and Betty. Maud heads the table with Ann, Pam, Doreen, Judy, Carolyn and Pauline down the right hand side. A closer view towards Maud at the head of the table, with Betty, Ann and Cherie to the left and Ann and Pam to the right. Betty and Maud, both deep in thought. - - - o o o - - - As we all left for home this evening, the valley still had one last treat in store. Seen across the top of the Loweswater Millennium bronze plaque were the gorgeous yellow and orange colours of the sunset which spread out resplendently across the whole of the valley . . . a fine end to an excellent evening. - - - o o o - - - My thanks to my co-photographer Lorna and to all the Ladies for their company and delicious home made supper contributions. - - - o o o - - - |
Technical note: Pictures taken with either my or Lorna's Panasonic Lumix TZ60 camera (great camera buyers minds think alike). Resized in Photoshop, and built up on a Dreamweaver web builder. This site best viewed with . . . a lovely supper waiting back at the hall after the walk. Go to Top . . . © RmH . . . Email me here
Previous Loweswatercam walk - 9th July 2017 - Sandy Yat with Dee & John Next walk - 14th July 2017 - A Confusing Walk at Gasgale