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The green, green grass of Harrot Fell Date & start time: Saturday 11th December 2010, 3.15 pm start. Location of Start : High Armaside, Lorton Vale, Cumbria, Uk ( NY 152 282 ) Places visited : Harrot Fell. Walk details : 2 mls, 550 ft of ascent, 1 hrs 20 mins. Highest point : Harrot Fell, 950ft - 292 m. Walked with : Ann and the dogs, Harry and Bethan. Weather : Above freezing for the first time for a while, but still cold. [ Alter the settings to zoom or change the Map, use Everytrail to download the Gps route ] |
For one day only . . . a change in the weather as the temperature reverses from minus seven to plus seven degrees in twenty four hours. Suddenly all the snow has gone and we return to colour photography. Our walk today is local but is also somewhere we've never walked before. Parking was alongside the High Armaside road, high above Lorton Valley.
Through the gate and a quick hello to the local poultry who are able to see the grass for the first time this week.
Looking back up up Lorton Valley to the twin peaks of Mellbreak. The mild weather has left us a rather dull grey afternoon. Harrot Hill Farm and the sun is starting to set behind Fellbarrow. It will seemingly take longer to set today as we will be climbing up the fell as the sun sets. The footpath follows the farm track up through the farm. Looking north across towards the Solway . . . but no further. We follow the track over to the TV mast. Sunset from the mast. Zooming in on the sheep the camera closes the aperture down to turn them into silhouette. Melt-water on the fields below Lorton Village. In the floods last year most of these fields were under water. This was the last view of the sun as it finally dips behind the fells. A wide panorama of Lorton Vale. The view from here extends from Ladyside Pike and Hopegill Head on the left to Fellbarrow on the right. A little residual snow close to the trees. Harry reaches the summit . . . though it was difficult to find the highest point.
Walking back down the track taking care to avoid the mud and marsh at the head of this small stream, the headwaters of Gray Beck. A final shot on the way back down as the light fades . . . - - - o o o - - - |
Technical note: Pictures taken with either Ann's Canon 75 or my Canon G10 digital camera. Resized in Photoshop, and built up on a Dreamweaver web builder. This site best viewed with . . . the green, green grass of home. © RmH.2010 # Email me here # or leave me a Guest Book Entry Previous walk - 8th December 2010 Buttermere and Fangs Brow A previous time near here - 27th February 2010 Fellbarrow Extended Next walk - 12th December 2010 Allonby on the Coast